The European Atlantic

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The European Atlantic is the part of the Atlantic Ocean that is adjacent to the coast of Europe. It is the body of water that separates the European continent from the Americas and Africa. The European Atlantic is a major component of the Atlantic Ocean and is home to some of the world's most important shipping lanes, fishing grounds, and energy resources. It also plays a significant role in the global climate system, as the ocean currents that flow through the region help to regulate the Earth's temperature and weather patterns. The European Atlantic is also an important area for tourism, with many people visiting the coastal regions of Europe each year to enjoy the beaches, cultural attractions, and natural beauty of the area.

rich fishing ground
important source of energy
home to many island nations and territories
has a long and rich history


€ euro




Gran Canaria airport, Delgada airport, Joao Paulo 2 airport

Best time to sail

April to October

Boat base Location

Portimao, Pontevedra, Cascais, Ayamonte

What to do and visit:

  • Visit the beaches: The European Atlantic region is home to many beautiful beaches, ranging from sandy stretches to rocky coves. Some popular beach destinations include the Algarve region in Portugal, the Costa del Sol in Spain, and the French Riviera.
  • Explore the cities: The European Atlantic region is home to many fascinating cities, each with its own unique culture and history. Some cities to consider visiting include Lisbon, Madrid, Paris, and London.
  • Visit historical and cultural attractions: The European Atlantic region is rich in history and culture, with many museums, castles, and other attractions to explore. Some popular attractions include the Louvre in Paris, the Prado in Madrid, and the British Museum in London.
  • Take part in outdoor activities: The European Atlantic region is home to many opportunities for outdoor activities, including hiking, biking, and water sports. You could explore the beautiful countryside, go for a swim in the ocean, or try your hand at surfing or sailing.
  • Sample the local cuisine: The European Atlantic region is home to many delicious cuisines, ranging from traditional Portuguese seafood to French pastries. Take the opportunity to try some local specialties and sample the local flavors.


Sailing Conditions:

  • The sailing conditions in the European Atlantic can vary widely, depending on the time of year, the location, and the weather. Here are a few general considerations to keep in mind:
  • Wind: The wind in the European Atlantic can range from light and variable to strong and gusty, depending on the time of year and the location. In the summer, the wind is generally stronger and more consistent, while in the winter it can be lighter and more variable.
  • Currents: The European Atlantic is home to a number of ocean currents, which can affect the sailing conditions. For example, the Gulf Stream is a warm ocean current that flows northward along the east coast of the United States and the west coast of Europe, bringing warm water and generally good sailing conditions.
  • Waves: The waves in the European Atlantic can range from small and gentle to large and rough, depending on the location and the weather. In general, the waves are larger and rougher in the winter, while they are smaller and calmer in the summer.
  • W-eather: The weather in the European Atlantic can vary widely, with cold, wet winters and warm, dry summers. In general, the weather is more stable in the summer, with less risk of storms and rough seas. However, it can also be more crowded and expensive to sail during this time.
  • Overall, the sailing conditions in the European Atlantic can vary widely, depending on the time of year, the location, and the weather. It's important to be prepared for a range of conditions and to be cautious when sailing in the region.




Suggested sailing route European Atlantic

Day 1

There are many different options for a 7-day sailing itinerary in the European Atlantic, depending on your interests and the location you choose. Here is one possible itinerary that could give you a taste of what the region has to offer:

Start your trip in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. Explore the city's historic neighborhoods, visit the Castle of Sao Jorge, and sample some local seafood.

Day 2
Sail to the island of Cascais, just a short distance from Lisbon. Explore the island's beaches and charming villages, or visit the Cascais Cultural Centre.
Day 3
Head north to the charming town of Sintra, known for its beautiful gardens and historic castles. Visit the Pena Palace and the Quinta da Regaleira, or take a hike in the Sintra-Cascais Natural Park.
Day 4
Sail to the beautiful Algarve region in southern Portugal. Explore the region's charming villages, visit the Lagos Maritime Museum, or take a boat trip to see the famous caves of the Algarve.
Day 5
Head to the island of Madeira, known for its beautiful gardens and hiking trails. Visit the island's capital, Funchal, and sample some local wine.
Day 6
Sail to the island of Porto Santo, just a short distance from Madeira. Explore the island's sandy beaches and visit the Porto Santo Golf Course.
Day 7

Return to Lisbon and spend your last day exploring the city's historic neighborhoods and cultural attractions.

This is just one example of a 7-day sailing itinerary in the European Atlantic. There are many other options to consider, depending on your interests and the location you choose. Some other possibilities could include exploring the Spanish coast, visiting the British Isles, or sailing to the French Riviera.

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